If you suspect a shark fishing violation or find a dead shark report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Number at
888-404-FWCC or online at FWC Wildlife Alerts

Help US End Shark Killing Tournaments in Florida!
In the early summer of 2022, we pressured the FWC to oversee or outright stop a shark fishing tournament that was scheduled to take place in Jupiter on July 9, 2022. We started a petition to raise awareness of this upcoming event and as of today, it has over 195,000 signatures.
The FWC made it clear that they had no intention of regulating this sort of event as it was perfectly legal. It turns out that anyone can hold a shark fishing tournament with zero oversight from any wildlife agency. With pressure from overfishing, the shark fin trade, and habitat loss, the last thing sharks need is destructive and unregulated shark fishing tournaments.
Take Action
Sign and share Our Petition.
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Email us to be added to our volunteer list. Please include your name and city so we can alert you of any upcoming events in your area.
We are in the beginning stages of our End Shark Fishing Tournaments In Florida campaign that will address the lack of oversight and regulations regarding shark fishing tournaments in Florida. We will be keeping everyone informed on developments and calls to action. Please sign our petition and follow our social media platforms for updates and volunteer opportunities.

Over 100 million sharks are killed yearly; shark populations have declined by 70% over the past 50 years and continue to decline worldwide. They face numerous threats, such as overfishing, being caught as bycatch, finning, habitat loss, and more. As apex predators, sharks shift their prey’s spatial habitat, which alters the feeding behavior and diets of other species, impacting predatory fish and herbivorous fish, which in turn affects the overall health of coral reefs and seagrass beds. In the absence of sharks, underwater ecosystems collapse.
Shark-killing tournaments usually offer prizes for the largest shark caught. Female sharks tend to be bigger than male sharks, resulting in pregnant sharks being caught and killed. This harms the breeding population. The reproduction rate of sharks is slow, and taking out breeding sharks only adds another blow to declining shark populations worldwide. Shark fishing tournaments generate fear through propaganda, and anecdotal evidence that fails to paint the whole picture and promotes a lack of respect for sharks. Shark killing tournaments are akin to trophy hunting, where trophy hunters target the largest of elephants, rhinos, and other often endangered or threatened species under the guise of conservation.
Sharks generate more revenue through eco-tourism. Take the Bahamas, for example. In a place where shark fishing is banned, sharks thrive, and other species flourish because of their presence. Sharks keep our oceans healthy and balanced. We should respect and hold their existence in the highest regard.
We have the power of public opinion, science, and facts on our side. Help us expose shark-killing tournaments and the false narrative that these tournaments are about conservation.

Catch and release may sound good in theory, but the reality is the stress and physical damage done to the sharks can often be fatal especially among Great Hammerhead and Tiger sharks.
Learn about the reality of shark fishing.
Our Partners ​
With the intention of protecting our ecosystems and conserving them for future generations, Saving Our Sharks was created in June 2010, with the main objective of studying and conserving sharks, as well as protecting aquatic flora and fauna.
Sharks are the guardians of the ocean and they need our help. They take care of a system that is so vital to our quality of life and, ultimately, to our survival. Humanity has not been good to sharks, but we can change that now.
WildlifeVOICE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit gives a voice to the decreasing populations of animals and plants! WildlifeVOICE’s utilizes education, outreach, and scientific research to inspire change.