If you suspect a shark fishing violation or find a dead shark report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Number at
888-404-FWCC or online at FWC Wildlife Alerts

Do you have any information of illegal shore-based shark fishing?
Shark Watch is committed to providing anonymous citizen-driven reporting of illegal shark fishing activities. Shore-based shark fishing can put the public in danger by conditioning sharks to feed in certain areas. You could unknowingly be surfing or swimming where shark fishing occurred the night before.
Please fill out the form below if you know of beaches where shark fishing is prevalent, individuals posting illegal activity on social media, or any other tip that might protect sharks and our beaches.

Important Note! Do not interfere with shark fishers, no matter what is happening.
Record from a safe distance.
Get videos or photos of everyone involved.
If they leave the scene, try to obtain video and photographic evidence.
If possible, get the make and model of the car and license plate.
Every detail matters.